• Please note this platform is currently under development and available for "beta-testing" and specific courses only at this time.

    Pipe Bands Australia (PBA) is pleased to welcome you to the Australian Pipe Band College's 'Online Learning' platform This platform comprises straight forward, practical and interactive teaching available to PBA members in their own home.

    Instructions for Access

    Interested learners can request access by selecting 'Log In' followed 'Create Account' Upon receipt of successful verification you can log in to the platform and select from the available courses. Alternatively, you can email online.learning@pipebandsaustralia.com.au.

    Course Enrolment

    Courses shown below with this iconSelf Enrolment  offer self enrolment. Take advantage of this by selecting the course and following the on screen prompts to complete your enrolment. All other courses require enrolment from an authorised administrator. To facilitate this please email online.learning@pipebandsaustralia.com.au using the email address associated with your account and a brief narrative relating to your requested enrolment.


    The Pipe Bands Australia Online Learning is undergoing constant and continued development and course options and features will continue to be made available in due course. Any queries or concerns can be directed to the development team via online.learning@pipebandsaustralia.com.au.

Available courses

Course image Music Adjudicators Training Course
Ensemble & Adjudication

The Pipe Band Australia  (PBA)  educational arm, the Australian Pipe Band College (APBC), is responsible for the training of piping and drumming adjudicators throughout the country. This Music Adjudicators Training Course is designed to provide consistency in the adjudicators’ method of approach in assessing pipe band competitions.

The Music Adjudicators Theory Exam (MATE) is one of the final stages in the Australian Pipe Band College's adjudication accreditation process.  The design of this exam is to ensure that adjudicators are adequately equipped with PBA's rules and general contest procedure to do the job of adjudication correctly and efficiently.